I've been off the blog now for *looks at watch* three and a half months. Ouch. With Summer approaching and more time to kill, I thought I'd put down a couple thoughts on today's news to get back in the swing.
The Prez finally came down on the side for same-sex marriage today. Not that he wanted to politically, but perhaps what he had long wanted to do personally [fact check needed]. His hand was forced by the vote reinforcing same-sex union bans in North Carolina. The vote showed that the topic once again would play a role in a presidential campaign. With the conservative vote obviously on the side against and the topic at the forefront, the frequency and directness of questions was only going to increase. You can't not pick a side on such an important issue in an election year. We all knew this was the side that The Office would come down on; the other side was just never compatible with Democratic party ideals.
I have been following the news all day and the way it has played out has been pretty sweet. The day began with the reports on the outcome of the vote in NC. Disappointing for sure, but a victory for the right? Certainly not in the long-term. The practice of restricting one group's rights has quite the tradition down there but things eventually move forward, if slowly. Later on, in an obviously hastily called interview, The Prez made his announcement (finally). Did he just make up his mind on it that morning? It feels like it could have been more definite but given the timing, it looks like a signal that this new campaign is fully prepared to defend the rights of same-sex couples from Mitt Romney and other social conservatives and also feels like a long awaited step towards inevitable progress. To end the news day, Romney told reporters that he is still against same-sex unions just in case we weren't clear on that. Romney's reaffirmation along with his taking credit for the auto-bailout are definitely starting his campaign out on a kind of "me too!" tone.
Coincidentally while I was writing this I got an email from POTUS on the same topic. It included a link to stand up in support with him. Which is here: Stand up with The Prez!
Since I Plugged the Cord Back In
10 years ago