Confession. I just watched the (new? idk) Justy Biebs video. There was a link. It said he got pummeled by a "bad-boy actor". Either way I win. Either 1) I see Bieber get what he's got coming. Or 2) I see an out-of-work actor look stupid. Or 3) I see an out-of-work-actor redeem himself (if only in a Biebs video) Video here:
I've been on the record for a while as saying that I don't get the whole Bieber thing. Where did he come from? Why do people like him? Etc. After watching this, I get it, kinda. He's pulling up Justin Timberlake's slack. Now I'm not saying he's lost it but JT hasn't done much in awhile aside from chase a movie role here and there. Timberlake is a talent. He can act. But don't think that his real talent isn't on the song and dance side. So back to Biebs though. Has pop music become entirely derivative? I didn't do so great in calculus so I apologize if I am re-RE-stating the obvious. My original question though, who the frick is Justin Bieber? If you're looking for a JT fill-in, is the best you can do? Or is this just as good as you have to do?
Since I Plugged the Cord Back In
10 years ago
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