Saturday, August 11, 2012

Information Markets on Romney Running Mate Pick: Meh

With Mitt Romney's announcement of Paul Ryan as his running mate for the upcoming election, the information market has answered with an emphatic "whatever".  As of Thursday, Romney's predicted chance to win the upcoming election had gone as low as 38.0%, its lowest since May 22nd.  After Romney's announcement this morning that Wisconsin State Rep Paul Ryan would be his running mate, his win percentage has increased to 39.6% (an increase of .8% on the day).  While it is doubtful the Romney campaign missed out on a home run, it at least avoided a Palin-esque disaster.

Edit: Since I posted this, Romney's .8% gain had swung into the negative for the day.

Link to Intrade for stat geeks:
Closing Prices chart - Mitt Romney to be elected President in 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Confession.  I just watched the (new? idk) Justy Biebs video.  There was a link. It said he got pummeled by a "bad-boy actor".  Either way I win. Either 1) I see Bieber get what he's got coming. Or 2) I see an out-of-work actor look stupid. Or 3) I see an out-of-work-actor redeem himself (if only in a Biebs video)  Video here:

I've been on the record for a while as saying that I don't get the whole Bieber thing. Where did he come from? Why do people like him? Etc. After watching this, I get it, kinda. He's pulling up Justin Timberlake's slack. Now I'm not saying he's lost it but JT hasn't done much in awhile aside from chase a movie role here and there. Timberlake is a talent. He can act. But don't think that his real talent isn't on the song and dance side. So back to Biebs though. Has pop music become entirely derivative?  I didn't do so great in calculus so I apologize if I am re-RE-stating the obvious. My original question though, who the frick is Justin Bieber? If you're looking for a JT fill-in, is the best you can do? Or is this just as good as you have to do?